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From year to year a growing number of uninsured drivers, which alone has detected the Insurance Guarantee Fund (UFG). A tool called a virtual policeman, launched in late 2011. From January 2012. December 2012. With the virtual cop could be identified 4.5 thousand drivers do not have the required insurance. In 2014, a similar result has already exceeded 26 thousand. If the upward trend will be maintained in the current year, the virtual police officer will show more than 30 thousand people without compulsory liability insurance.
– From January to December 2014. Up to 45 percent. All revenue from fines was the result of self-control of the Insurance Guarantee Fund. This means that UFG less and less reliant on Police activity – explains Nina.
Uninsured Vehicle Detection System has become much more effective than traditional roadside checks. In its annual report the UFG reports that nearly 40 percent. drivers selected by a virtual policeman, actually does not have a current liability insurance. A similar result for notifications sent by the Police and the departments of communication is only 7 percent. This difference stems from the fact that most drivers do not have OC, during roadside checks simply forgot to take the necessary document from home. In such a situation, control will only pay the mandate penalty of the amount of 50 zł per forgotten document. Thanks to the systematic expansion of the database, Uninsured Vehicle Detection System is becoming more and more accurate. His algorithm searches for a break during the insurance period registered vehicles. Another part of the system checks the database Fund and the Central Register of Vehicles, searching cars and motorcycles that are not insured on the date of first registration.
– Elimination of damage is another opportunity to check whether all drivers involved in a collision, had a current liability insurance policy – adds Kuczyńska.
More and better efficiency of the control of information is not the only bad news for drivers without liability insurance. Such persons must also be aware of the annual increase in penalties for lack of compulsory insurance. The Law on Compulsory Insurance indicates that the penalties for drivers niewykupujących OC, a multiple or a portion of the minimum wage full-time employees (300 percent. 200 percent., 33.34 per cent.). Since September 11, B. R. officially we know the level of “low country” in 2016. (1850 zł gross). On this basis it is possible to calculate the new penalties for drivers that do not have compulsory insurance. In relation to 2015. Criminal rates will rise as much as the minimum wage. The annual change will be about 6 percent. – Selects Kuczyńska.